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Monday, November 21, 2011
Hunter and Hunted
ISBN 978-0-9837177-5-1. Approx. pages: 93.
Available at www.smashwords.com as an e-book formatted for all e-readers, tablets, desktops and mobile devices. Search on title, author, or ISBN. $0.99.
Monday, October 24, 2011
The Purpose of the Body
This essay proposes that what is taken for granted as the self-existent, biological body is instead a concept, a projection of mentality. The physical body is a mistaken, or at least badly articulated conceptualization, by the linguistic and self-aware Social Self strand of consciousness, of the non-self-aware Sensorimotor Cycle strand of consciousness. From that confusion, the concept of the body is projected outward, away from subjectivity, and reified into a self-existent object.
But what then is the purpose of the body? Mentality needs its projection of embodiment to guarantee its psychological individuality, and thus its very survival. Is there any way this new thesis can be reconciled with the theory of evolution? Some suggestions are offered. Consequences of re-thinking the relationship of mind and body include a reconsideration of cognitive information processing, death, and metaphysics.
ISBN 978-0-9837177-3-7 Approx. pages: 65.
TOC and PrefaceOrder at www.smashwords.com for the Smashwords Edition, an e-book formatted for all e-readers, tablets, desktops and mobile devices. Search on title, author, or ISBN. $0.99.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Six Short Stories of Crime and Suspense
Stone Cross is about a bewildered couple who lose their foreclosed home and their dreams.
A local mechanic was reluctant to answer questions about how to sabotage a brake system, needed for Merely an Accident.
Warm Spots, set in Antarctica, explores a radical solution to global warming.
In Waved Through, immigrants are deported from Arizona, but their children are not.
ISBN 978-0-9837177-2-0 Approx. pages: 35.
Order at www.smashwords.com for the Smashwords Edition, an e-book formatted for all e-readers, tablets, desktops and mobile devices. Search on title, author, or ISBN. $0.99.
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
The Three-In-One Mind
We don’t understand our own motivation, especially its sources. We can’t really understand embodiment, nor why the body doesn’t always do what it is told, nor why it does things on its own, like get sick, fall down, sleep, and die. We don’t know what intuition is, or where creativity comes from. We can’t really explain memory, attention, or learning, or why we say things we don’t mean. Personality is a mystery. We don’t know what love is, how to get it, or why it goes wrong. We don’t even know why we do the things we do half the time.
Despite the initial impulse to reject the concept of the three-in-one mind, if that schema promises to clarify psychological life, it is prudent for us to remain “open-minded.” There have been other three-way architectures of mind. Plato had one. So did Freud. This one provides a level of detail that avoids both supernaturalism and biological reductionism, and offers useful innovations that plausibly resolve many perplexing problems of psychology.
ISBN 978-0-9837177-1-3 Approx. pages: 89.
Order at www.smashwords.com for the Smashwords Edition, an e-book formatted for all e-readers, tablets, desktops and mobile devices. Search on title, author, or ISBN. $0.99.
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Scientific Introspection: A Method For Investigating the Mind
Scientific Introspection is an adjunct to traditional cognitive psychology and cognitive neurophysiology. There is no scientific way to observe the mind directly. Thoughts weigh nothing; ideas take up no space. The only way to observe the mind is through introspection. Scientific introspection supplements science with a genuine first-person methodology, so we can finally understand the mind.
The book includes a detailed description of how Scientific Introspection can be applied. The reader can follow the procedure and confirm or disconfirm the findings. The demonstration shows how to use a shared investigative tool to produce consensus findings about how the mind works.
ISBN: 978-0-9837177-0-6 Approx. pages: 134.
TOC and Preface
Order at www.smashwords.com for the Smashwords Edition, an e-book formatted for all e-readers, tablets, desktops and mobile devices. Search on title, author, or ISBN. $0.99.
What Does It All Mean?
This is an analysis of psychological experience, based on what we can know, not what we wish we knew, about the meaning of life, mind, and world. It is an adventure into epistemology, the study of what we know and how we know it. Written for the general reader. Published in print edition only.
TOC and Chapter 1
Order at Imprint Academic: www.booksonix.com/imprint/bookshop/
ISBN 9781845401016 Approx. pages: 250.
Or order from www.amazon.com. Search on the title or the ISBN.